The Nebraska State Patrol (NSP) in conjunction with the Nebraska Trucking Association is extremely happy to report that our Citizen Academy held 3/17/22, was a resounding success. We hosted 17 safety officials, representing 13 different motor carriers from the state at the Nebraska State Patrol State Headquarters building, as well as 2 offsite locations including the NSP Airwing and Waverly Westbound Scale. Troopers from NSP presented an inside look at the Carrier Division, including the history and unique function as Carrier Enforcement troopers. Topics included History, Authority, State Law and Federal Regulatory framework, Compliance Reviews, Safety Audits, DataQ process, Substance Abuse Awareness, and the basic expectations during a roadside stop.


After the classroom portion of the day, everyone was transported to the NSP Airwing hangar at the Lincoln Airport, where we highlighted the Special Operations Division’s Airwing and K9 through presentations, videos, and live demonstrations. We met K9 Ezra and got to see active training for the newest addition to the K9 Division!  Much thanks to Trooper Wilke for stepping up on short notice, and for Airwing pilots for being great hosts during the working lunch.

The final stop for the day was the Waverly westbound scale, where the SOD’s Drone program was highlighted with live flights and demonstrations, as well as a presenting a full vehicle inspection demonstration to many who had never seen one. The newest technology at the scale including the DOT/LPR and tire anomaly detection system were on display and view these systems in action.  Based on the comments, questions, and curiosity, the visit was extremely well received. The day ended with presentation of certificates of attendance to all who participated.

On behalf of the Nebraska Trucking Association, we thank the Nebraska State Patrol for all their efforts and superb presentations.  We would also like to congratulate those attending and participated in what we hope will be an annual cooperative event.