Women Keep Trucking Rolling!
You have the power to create a great future. The fact you visited this site says you’re smart. You research possibilities. You aren’t afraid to jump into a career traditionally sought by men. That tradition is changing. We hope you become a part of that change.
Professional Truck Driver
Whether you go from Lincoln to Omaha or Grand Island to New York City, professional truck drivers can write a great story. School: around 4 months. Ave $51,000 per year.
Diesel Technician
The days of greasy shops and dark tool rooms have been replaced by shiney showrooms and laptop diagnostics. Diesel Technicians are greatly needed in Nebraska. School – 18 months; Ave $46,000 per year.
Safety Manager
The trucking industry is changing culture to pull safety to the top of it’s priorities. Safety managers are driving that quest.
Trucking Executive
Women in the industry will find no glass ceilings if they apply their hard work and talents towards promotions. Multiple trucking companies in Nebraska are owned or run by women.
Drivers go everywhere coast to coast, warehouse to store, mountains to caves. Dispatchers are their eyes and ears. Drivers rely on dispatchers to give them an overhead view of what lies ahead.
State Patrol
The Trucking Industry embraces a safe road with safe drivers in the next lane. The State Patrol makes sure trucks are in good working order, filled to proper weights and operating in a safe manner.