Government Relations
Members of Government are making decisions every day that affect the trucking businesses. It’s in our best interest to make sure they have our perspective. That’s why the Nebraska Trucking Association is here to serve and represent the trucking industry and be advocates for not only our members, but the state.
2018 Representation & Statements
Follow the link below to read the recent testimony of NTA President Kent Grisham who went to the Capitol to offer opposition to LB1088, a sweeping education reform and funding bill brought by Omaha Senator Justin Wayne.
Truckers PAC – Political Action Committee
Fancy term for a pool of cash to support candidates running for election.
We encourage you to donate to our Truckers PAC. Our legislative committee meets with candidates for state office to learn how they view the political and business landscape. If a candidate is an individual we’d like to support, we may make a campaign contribution. Or we might help a successful office-holder retire campaign debt.
Truckers PAC is a state PAC, so our contributions are limited to candidates for political office within Nebraska. We are able to accept both personal and corporate donations.
How to donate
Send your check payable to Truckers PAC to:
Truckers PAC
1701 K Street
Lincoln, NE 68508
Why to donate
Running for political office isn’t cheap. When a well-qualified candidate is willing to run, we want that individual to have the financing needed for a successful campaign. Donations such as these do not buy votes. However, they do help keep a foot in the door when an issue important to trucking is being considered.

Call On Washington
Our legislators are making decisions every day that affect trucking businesses. It’s in our best interest to make sure they have our perspective. That’s why, from time to time, we put together a brief trip to visit the Nebraska congressional delegation in Washington, D.C.
You’re responsible for your own travel, hotel and meals. We’re responsible for coordinating appointments with Senators and Representatives, plus setting up policy briefings, getting everyone to the traditional Nebraska breakfast, and making sure you have some fun, too.