Driver of the Month

Good to Know Advertising

Weekly news update from the Nebraska Trucking Association

Get your Ad into trucking’s weekly headline news in the Good to Know Newsletter. The Good to Know Newsletter has Ad Space available for vendors to get the word out about good deals. Get all the details on Ad Space below.


Averages 1,650
More than 1,325 contacts receive the digital version
More than 300 receive the e-mail version
Also posted to the Nebraska Trucking Association and Truck Services Incorporated Social Media Sites

Advertising Rate

$50 per appearance
Seven ad spaces available per edition

Digital Edition Options:

  1. Send a digital ad as a .jpg, .png or .pdf, 570 pixels wide x 120 pixels high. Send the link to a web page where you would like readers to land when they click on your ad.
  2. Send a color version of your logo as an .ai, .jpg or .png. Also send the link to a web page where you would like readers to land when they click on your ad.


Scheduled News Blasts

Same distribution lists as good to know…

$200 per blast to send, announcements, invitations and advertising messages. These will be scheduled as separate communications, not distributed with good to know…

Digital Distribution Options:

  1. Send a digital ad or announcement as a .jpg, .png or .pdf, 570 pixels wide and up to 600 pixels high. Send the link to a web page where you would like readers to land when they click on your ad.

Fax and postal mail version of a news blast should be 8-1/2 x 11 inches in black-and-white with little or no grayscale. (Photographs and full pages of graphics use up lots of toner and anger the recipients!)

To place an ad or schedule a newsblast, contact Kent Grisham at 402-476-8504, extension 103.

Average Recipients

Media Contacts

Kent Grisham
[email protected]
Office 402-476-8504 x103