2020 NTA Fall Conference
September 25, 2020
My dear friends and members of the NTA:
I believe it was Albert Einstein who coined the phrase, “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity!”
Well at the Nebraska Trucking Association, we’re pushing forward at high speed so that any setback seems like nothing more than minor pothole on the Interstate. The latest news and restrictions being into place related to COVID-19 is causing us to rework our plans for our annual Fall Conference. As with so many other organizations around the world, most of our events will now be held in a virtual environment. But we are throwing in some notable exceptions because we are committed to celebrating our 80th Anniversary in style and good form.
Everything will still take place the week of September 21-25. We are working on some top webinar topics and leaders that we know will bring great value to your busy schedule. We will also roll out a schedule of virtual meetings so that all of our Councils, the Board of Directors, and our membership meet their annual meeting obligations. But, we’re most excited to tell you that on Friday, September 25th, we’re going to host some great in-person events that will accommodate safety and health regulations, but still give us all a chance to celebrate our great industry, our accomplishments, and our connectedness to each other.
So keep close tabs on your email for special announcements and for updates in future Good to Know e-newsletters. We can’t wait to see you online and in-person. I have said before, we’re not calling 2020 the year of the Coronavirus. No. 2020 is The Year of the Trucker!
See you soon.