What We Do
Whether you’re new with one truck and a dream–or an established carrier in need of office support for routine filings–we can help. It’s best if we can schedule a face-to-face consultation to set up a plan for you. No time to sit down or too far to travel? We are happy to work with you by phone, e-mail, fax or U.S. mail.
In order to legally haul for hire across state lines, you must apply for a certificate of authority from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. We can help you complete the application accurately, and also help with name or address changes, transfers of authority or re-instatements.
If you intend to apportion (pro-rate) your tractor and/or trailer with a Nebraska base plate, you must have a Nebraska certificate of title in your name in order to register and get apportioned plates. Apportioned plates for tractors and trailers are permanent as long as you own the vehicle. When you apportion your vehicle, you are participating in the International Registration Plan (IRP), meaning you pay all your required registration fees to Nebraska. Nebraska then forwards payment to the other states in which you intend to run. If you provide the appropriate documentation, we can help you obtain a Nebraska certificate of title and your tractor or trailer plates.
If you have a divisible loads exceeding 80,000 pounds on the National System of Interstate within the State of Nebraska, a Conditional Interstate Use Permit may be issued for vehicles weighing up to 95,000 pounds on the Interstate System. In no case will vehicles be permitted to exceed maximum axle legal weights and must conform to the requirements of the bridge requirements set out in Neb. Rev. Stat. 60-6,294. This permit is issued in 10 day increments with a maximum period covering 90 consecutive days. Truck Services Inc. will assist you obtaining your Conditional Interstate Use Permit.
If a motor carrier’s safety controls are inadequate, a motor carrier may take action to remedy its safety management practices by submitting a Corrective Action Plan (CAP). The CAP must be submitted in writing. Truck Services Inc. will assist you in developing a formal CAP.
Operating a truck or bus, especially in interstate commerce, places you under the jurisdiction of several state and federal taxing and compliance authorities If you are new to trucking, we help you get everything done right the first time, so you can hit the road and start earning money. If you have some trucking experience, we keep you on the road with as little down time as possible Safe operation is an assumed standard for any business. A sound safety record also keeps your insurance costs lower, helps protect you in legal disputes and often opens the door to the best business opportunities available. Nebraska Truck Services offers comprehensive safety and compliance services to help you maintain a safe operation, boost your safety rating and effectively manage your business. Ask your trucking friends. Referrals from satisfied customers are our primary source of new customers.
When you intend to register a vehicle in excess of 55,000 pounds, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) assesses this tax. You must have a receipt indicating that you’ve paid this tax in order to register your vehicle. You can download the tax form 2290 from the IRS or get the form from us. If you need to have your form and payment walked through to expedite your registration, we can help you. In order to file the Form 2290, you must have a federal employer tax identification number. (Your social security number is not acceptable.) We can also help you file the federal tax ID number application.
You must have a fuel tax permit for each state in which you operate a vehicle weighing more than 26,000 pounds. If you have apportioned (pro-rated) your vehicle, you may get an International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) permit. This allows you to file your fuel tax returns in Nebraska. Nebraska then forwards payment to the other states in which you run. If you are a Nebraska-based carrier with an IFTA permit, Truck Services will file your fuel tax returns for you when you furnish the necessary records.
If you haul certain hazardous materials loads that require placarding (such as anhydrous ammonia, ammonium nitrate fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides), you must register yourself as a hazmat carrier with the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, and pay a registration fee. We can help you with the registration process. Note: Various states have additional permit requirements for hauling hazmat.
Anyone operating commercial combination vehicles that exceed 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) must complete a federal MCS-150 form and update that form every year if based in Nebraska. When you initially complete the form, you will receive your U.S. DOT number. That number, along with the legal name or trade name of your business, must appear on each side of your vehicles. When you initially complete the form, you must also complete a new entrant safety application. We can help you complete the initial applications and the updates.
Operating a truck or bus, especially in interstate commerce, places you under the jurisdiction of several state and federal taxing and compliance authorities If you are new to trucking, we help you get everything done right the first time, so you can hit the road and start earning money. If you have some trucking experience, we keep you on the road with as little down time as possible Safe operation is an assumed standard for any business. A sound safety record also keeps your insurance costs lower, helps protect you in legal disputes and often opens the door to the best business opportunities available. Nebraska Truck Services offers comprehensive safety and compliance services to help you maintain a safe operation, boost your safety rating and effectively manage your business. Ask your trucking friends. Referrals from satisfied customers are our primary source of new customers.
To base plate in Nebraska, you must be a Nebraska resident with a building or office in Nebraska or proof of residence in Nebraska. When you “pro-rate” or apportion your vehicle in Nebraska, it means you intend to operate in other states and are apportioning your registration fees to cover each of those states. You make supplemental applications whenever you add equipment, increase weight or add additional states.
You may prorate your vehicle if:
- its gross vehicle weight or registered gross vehicle weight is more than 26,000 pounds, or
- it has three or more axles, or
- you’re using the vehicle in a combination when the weight of the combination is more than 26,000 pounds
We can help you complete your initial applications, as well as supplemental applications and renewals.
For-hire Carriers
If you’re a for-hire carrier with federal operating authority, then you are required to have a process agent in 48 states. Should a law enforcement agency need to serve papers on your company in a state other than where you are headquartered, the process agent accepts the papers on your behalf. We can get you 48-state blanket coverage for a one-time fee. We can also make name or address changes on your process agent registration.
Exempt Carriers (hauling livestock or grain)
You are required to have a process agent in these states:
Alabama, Kansas, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, California, Kentucky*, North Carolina, South Carolina, Connecticut, Louisiana, Ohio, Tennessee, Georgia, Maine, Oklahoma, Texas
*Any carrier traveling through Kentucky with a vehicle GVW of 60,000 pounds or more must have a KYU#.
Operating a truck or bus, especially in interstate commerce, places you under the jurisdiction of several state and federal taxing and compliance authorities If you are new to trucking, we help you get everything done right the first time, so you can hit the road and start earning money. If you have some trucking experience, we keep you on the road with as little down time as possible. Safe operation is an assumed standard for any business. A sound safety record also keeps your insurance costs lower, helps protect you in legal disputes and often opens the door to the best business opportunities available. Nebraska Truck Services offers comprehensive safety and compliance services to help you maintain a safe operation, boost your safety rating and effectively manage your business. Ask your trucking friends. Referrals from satisfied customers are our primary source of new customers.
Operating a truck or bus, especially in interstate commerce, places you under the jurisdiction of several state and federal taxing and compliance authorities If you are new to trucking, we help you get everything done right the first time, so you can hit the road and start earning money. If you have some trucking experience, we keep you on the road with as little down time as possible. Safe operation is an assumed standard for any business. A sound safety record also keeps your insurance costs lower, helps protect you in legal disputes and often opens the door to the best business opportunities available. Nebraska Truck Services offers comprehensive safety and compliance services to help you maintain a safe operation, boost your safety rating and effectively manage your business. Ask your trucking friends. Referrals from satisfied customers are our primary source of new customers.
Exemption #05
If you are:
- a Nebraska-based carrier that operates more than 51 percent for hire
- with federal operating authority or exempt authority you are allowed to apply for a sales tax exemption so that you do not pay sales tax on your vehicles and certain other equipment purchased in Nebraska.
If you are:
- leased to a Nebraska carrier that has the #05 exemption
or - are a leasing company that collects sales tax in the lease payments you are allowed to apply for a sales tax exemption so that you do not pay sales tax on your vehicles or certain other equipment purchased in Nebraska.
We can help you complete either of these applications. An original of your signature is required before either application can be filed.
A unique two- to four-letter code assigned to transportation companies. Used for Electronic Data Interchange, intermodal interchange agreements, U.S. Customs entry, on rate tariffs filed with regulatory agencies, on government bills of lading and on bids for government traffic. Remains valid through July 1 of the following year. We can help you complete the application.
The Unified Carrier Registration (UCR) program is a federal regulation that requires individuals and companies that operate commercial motor vehicles in interstate commerce to register and pay an annual fee based on the size of their fleet. It applies to for-hire, private and exempt carriers, freight forwarders, brokers and leasing companies. If you are based in Nebraska, your UCR fees are automatically apportioned for you to the other states in which you travel. You may download the registration form from the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles, www.dmv.state.ne.us, apply online at www.ucr.in.gov, or Truck Services can help you with the registration.
If you are no longer operating under the lease of a Nebraska-based company, you can get this permit to operate your equipment at its unladen (empty) weight until you lease onto another carrier or register the vehicle in your name. The permit is valid for 30 days and is not renewable. Truck Services can help you get the hunter’s permit.